Heather Tagg ’17 receives Campus Ministry’s 2017 Daniel P. Leahy Award for servant leadership

Crier\Tim Mannila

Leahy award recipient Heather Tagg ’17 (middle) with her Service and Solidarity leaders Cassidy Diaz ’19 (left) and Jasmine Blais ’17 (right).

Jasmine Blais, Culture Editor

The Office of Campus Ministry celebrated their 2017 Service and Solidarity season on April 25 by presenting the 2017 Daniel P. Leahy Award to senior nursing student Heather Tagg. Demonstrating the values of compassion, humility, hospitality, Christian stewardship, and quest for social justice embodied by SBA founder, Dan Leahy, Tagg was chosen by deed.

Jasmine Blais ’17 and Cassidy Diaz ’19 presented Tagg the award, telling the audience of her experience in Phoenix, Ariz. this January.

“The André House provides invaluable care to the homeless guests of Phoenix, but the 11-hour work day can be emotionally and physically exhausting. In the one-hour dinner service alone, we see the faces of 600 guests,” began Blais. “As volunteers, we strive to give our whole selves each day, but being present to each guest on his or her own journey takes strength. For one of our participants, however, she maintained a peaceful calm throughout the entire week no matter how hectic things were. As leaders, we could depend on Heather Tagg at all times, as she were constantly in tune to how everyone—volunteer and guest alike—was feeling.”

“On Tuesday, Heather was working in the Pacente office, when a homeless guest entered with an open, oozing gash, overdosing on a laced cigarette. Wasting no time, she jumped to action. Heather calmly laid the guest down with a blanket, comforting him as he went in and out of consciousness. In only a few minutes, she was able to dress his wound, retrieve his medical history and allergies, and relay his current symptoms to the paramedics professionally and efficiently.”

“We did not see this deed first hand; we heard all from our participants who were utterly inspired by Heather’s courage and humility,” said Diaz. “This person embodied true servant leadership. She treated this man with the presence and dignity he deserved by maintaining his privacy, calming him, and never once leaving his side.”

To close the ceremony, Dr. Susan Gabert, director of Campus Ministry, recognized the participants for their service and expressed her gratitude to Dean Alicia Finn and Dean Joseph Horton for their support to Service and Solidarity.