Class of 2024 celebrates ‘Halfway There’ with semiformal dance

Courtesy / @sacclassof2024

Halfway There celebration for “class unity and spirit” was held Oct. 21.

Flannery Moore and Mia TIdd

The class of 2024 celebrated “halfway there” to graduation with a semi formal dance in the basement of the student center on October 21st. As class president and vice president Jackie Labovitz and Luke Chadwick said, “Putting an event such as the Halfway There Celebration together requires so much planning and preparation. But, the most important part was that our Class had the chance to celebrate together and have a fun night.” 

A statement from Labovitz and Chadwick said: “As Orientation Leaders, Jackie and Luke participated in a “normal” orientation experience for the Classes of 2025 and 2026 and witnessed how special that time is as a new class at the beginning of your time at Saint Anselm College. With COVID-19 preventing the Class of 2024 from having the same experience at the beginning of our time at Saint Anselm, this event was organized in an attempt to provide an opportunity for our class to gather together as one body and have fun.”  

While the planning efforts were led by Labovitz and Chadwick, they “had the support of the entire Class Council to brainstorm the logistics and work together.” The class council “had been working towards hosting this event even before our newest members were elected last April.” The members of the Halfway There planning committee included Carly Zinko, Morgan O’Regan, Bobby Petrino, Kerrigan Stevens, Hannah Peterson, Kevin Macarelli, Ashley Quirion, and Riley Buchanan.  

The event itself was held from 8-11pm in the basement of the Jean Student Center. Tables and chairs were moved aside to make space for a dance floor and several trays of desserts were set out for attendees. Members of the class of 2024 dressed in semi formal attire entered in groups of friends down the main staircase to the lower level. The lights were low, there were balloons scattered around the room, and music was playing.  

Labovitz and Chadwick expressed that they were “so thrilled with the turnout at the event.” 

Junior politics major Anica Harris agreed that the event was a good opportunity “to get to hang out with people in our grade that I do not get to see as often.”  

When asked for feedback on the event itself, Harris said, “I thought the decorations were great,” and that she “enjoyed the photo area.” She also noted, “I do think the dance would have been more fun if it was held somewhere more private. It was kind of weird that people were picking up their packages in the middle of the dance,” referring to the dance’s location right next to the Mail Center. The basement of the student center was not closed off to other students during the event.  

Junior Holly Ahronian said that while she liked the location of the dance, “if there were more people that were to come, it might not be the best spot since it’s a bit small.” She added that “there were foosball and pool games available,” and that the alternative activities were good options to have. 

Harris said that while she enjoyed the event, the short notice that juniors were given of it wasn’t ideal since “it was stressful to try and find something to wear with only two weeks’ notice.” Ahronian said that she “liked the atmosphere, the people who went were mostly really nice people who were fun to be around…I liked that it was semi-formal attire, it’s always fun to dress up.” 

The money raised from the event goes towards future events in the class of 2024’s senior year. Labovitz and Chadwick stated, “Overall, we did raise money from this event and other events such as our grilled cheese fundraisers.” 

Labovitz and Chadwick stated that they “are so appreciative of everyone on our council, the office of SEAL, and Deans Horton and Gabert who helped make this event possible.” They described it as “an incredible event for class unity and spirit!” and said “the best is yet to come!” for the class of 2024’s senior year.