Senior sound off: Class of ’23 students share their final thoughts
May 4, 2023
“I know that Saint Anselm will always be a place that I will be able to call home! The community here is unlike any
other place. There is no better sound than the bells ringing early in the morning or late at night, it is a sound I will always treasure. When I first stepped on campus to tour 5 years ago, I knew that Saint Anselm was where I was meant to be. Everyone is so kind and truly wants to know you as an individual. I want to thank everyone in the community: the Dav and C-shop workers, the custodial staff, the bookstore staff, the grounds staff, Jason the photographer, all my professors, the monks, the campus ministry staff, my friends, and the whole Saint Anselm community. Thank you for putting a smile on my face each and every day (and holding the door). You truly make this place home.” – Camille Desjardins
“I recently found myself at a favorite spot in Manchester, one I discovered far too late in my collegiate career, Buba Noodles. Located on Lowell Street, the restaurant provides a fascinating contrast between (and fusion of) the Vietnamese cuisine and the textile mills of New England. I found myself thinking much more than usual about my food that night. It is common for me to go through a meal without thinking much about the flavor of the food, its texture, its richness, or anything of that nature. One often forgets, because of the commodification of
the event, that through our meal we are engaging in an incredibly rich process. Finally having the time to enjoy it, I had ordered Pho (a type of soup with noodles) with an assortment of meat (p4 on their menu) with extra noodles. It’s a wonderful noodle and beef dish based in broth with an assortment of herbs to balance out the flavor. I also ordered jasmine tea, at the recommendation of the waiter, to go along with the meal. The tea, as it tends to, helped facilitate a certain focus and calm during the meal which brought out the strength of the Pho. It was the broth, though, that I suspect set this place apart for me. I’ve been to other noodle places before and have always been partial to the kind made here. If I was a more learned foodie perhaps I could pick apart why. Perhaps I just like the variance of the setting. Whatever the reason, my most recent experience dining out served as a gentle reminder that the little things are what add depth to your life. No matter what the rest of this semester looks like, please take some time to enjoy the flavors.” – Benjamin Mickens
“They say four years go by quickly that if one were to blink they’d miss it. That one day you’re circled up in an orientation group on Alumni and four short bell tolls later you find yourself going up the hill, pomp and circumstance coming from the speakers. The same quad where it began, it ends as you march under the watchful gaze of Saint Anselm and grab your diploma. As a Junior writing a resume in the summer of 2022, I felt good about what I had accomplished: club president, class Senator, ambassador, and frequent flier at whatever event happened to be taking place on campus that day. As a Senior writing this memoriam, I feel wistfully cheated about events I could have probably squeaked into- things I ought to have done- the classes I should have audited. But it is not what could have been or the impeccable grounds nor the hallowed halls that I shall miss the most. It is my collegiate comrades, dear friends, and the best verbal sparring partners. To all of the evergrowing cast of characters who wandered into my life, or wandered out, I thank you. To all of those who survive us on the Hilltop, I have an inadequate bit of advice. Do all you can, when you can. Join a club, sign up for the tournament in a sport you’re no good at, and hang out with friends. All too soon it will be your class for whom the bells tolls, not mine.” – Patrick Marcoux
“When I first walked into Dom freshman year, I had a feeling that Saint A‘s was going to be something special. But what I didn’t realize was just how much this place would impact my life. With the incredible support and guidance from my professors, friends, staff members, and the monastic community, I have grown in ways that I never thought possible. From sharing laughs with Terry at the shop to being the only one who gets Dr. M’s jokes during class, to hanging out at the pub with Fr. Francis and Jen, and even those late-night Red Arrow runs, my time at SaintAnselm has been absolutely unforgettable. This school has become a second home to me, and I will always hold onto the memories and friendships that I’ve made here. For all the non-seniors, enjoy your time here because it goes by a lot quicker than you think. Take advantage of everything the school has to offer and meet as many of your fellow Anselmians as you can!” – Brady Quinn
I am so grateful to Saint A’s for all of the opportunities and connections it has given me. I came here not knowing a soul, and can now confidently say that this campus and the people I met here will forever hold a special place in my heart. I hope that many future generations of Saint Anselm College students have similarly uplifting experiences, and that the school maintains its dedication to the qualities which distinguish it from other institutions. In particular, I hope that Saint A’s emphasizes and continues to expand upon its promotion of its Catholic identity, Benedictine values, and the importance of critical thought and discourse in the name of true liberal arts education. – Jessica Diggins
“Through experiences like Road for Hope, Anselmian 360, Freshman Orientation, and even the random roommate selection, I have made an unfathomable number of genuine friends. The best thing I have done on this campus is say yes! The time to put down your phone and get involved in random things is right now. I am grateful to have joined the EMS Rescue Teamand the Mental Health Committee, traveled on Out-Cold trips, attended a Subiaco retreat, worked on and off campus, gone on random plans with friends, volunteered in the community, and been to lunch with staff/faculty members. On adventures like these I was able to explore my interests, and meet great people. I wish the best random, fun experiences for all undergraduates!” – Michael Holzman
“There have been two decisions that I have made here at Saint Anselm College that have changed my life entirely: auditioning for the 2019 Abbey Players Family Weekend Show, and signing up for Advanced Journalism with Fr. Jerome. Both of these decisions have guided me to find my closest friends and greatest passions, and I would not trade my experiences with the Abbeys and the Crier for the world. I would like to thank Fr. Jerome for allowing me to write all of my articles about theater during my sophomore year (I would do it again) and Kathryn & Elisa for holding me hostage after class to beg me to copy edit for the Crier. Though I do not know what my future will hold, I am excited to see where the wind blows me. To everyone reading this: support the arts! Support your local college newspaper! You never know, you might just find your new calling. I know I certainly did. Even if I was reluctant to start.” – Olivia Boudreau