I’m not surprised in theslightest. Polls had Trump up significantly, and while he was
given quite a run, he has built up a strong base. While Biden didn’t make it on the ballot, it didn’t matter because he is the incumbent and there aren’t really many other candidates giving him a competition.
I dislike both candidates. Ithink Trump is a controversial figure and his actions after Jan. 6th are reprehensible. As for Biden, I dislike his policy decisions, his politics. I think we need to focus more important things in this country like the economics issue which has been incredibly problematic for the poor. SEAMUS BOOTS, CLASS OF 2027
It’s the worst possible outcome we could get from the two candidates that are proposed. We didn’t like them in 2020 and even more now. The American people need something better, new, and an overall change from the past. BENJAMIN HARRINGTON, CLASS OF 2027
I am excited to see how the public reacts to this and excited to see a good debate for president. MEGHAN ZAJAC, CLASS OF 2027
A Trump-Biden rematch is not ideal. I think someone new in office would be best for our
I am disheartened to see that former President Trump is inching towards the GOP nomination. I do not like the choices of candidates in the Republican party. I hope that in the future, the Republicans can choose a candidate who does not have a cult of personality, while championing truly conservative values. MAC CONNORS, CLASS OF 2025, President – SAC Republicans
I think it shows that Democratic and Republican voters approve of Biden and Trump, respectively, as much as polls say that the average person doesn’t.
KELLAN BARBEE, CLASS OF 2026, President – SAC Democrats