Saint Anselm College is well-known for the strong sense of Benedictine community among their current students, alumni, faculty, and staff. One of the most loved symbols of each graduating class’ community is the class banner, which hangs in Davison Hall from freshman orientation to senior formal, and continues to represent Anselmian class spirit even after graduation.
The first Saint Anselm student from every graduating class to accept a full-time job at the College after graduation receives their class banner to display in their on campus office. In cases where an employee leaves the College or transitions from full-time to part-time employment, the banner is handed off to the second member of their graduating class to take a full-time position at the College.
The Crier interviewed several of these alumni regarding the personal significance of their class banner, their connection to the Hilltop community, and their advice for current Anselmians, and is excited to publish their answers!
What is your position/office on campus?
I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Forensic Science. My office is Goulet 1100.
How does this tradition represent the Anselmian community to you?
Having the banner in my office is often a conversation starter with my students. They often ask, “has much changed since you were a student here?” And while there are new buildings, new faces around campus, and a few new traditions… it is the exact same supportive community that I experienced as a student. I am grateful that I can share my own experiences and knowledge with another generation of Anselmians!
What else is meaningful to you about having the banner in your office?
It is a constant reminder of how far I have come since being a student at St. A’s. I was once the shy, scared student sitting across my professor asking for help on my homework. I have worked so hard to get to where I am today, and now I am the one helping my students succeed in chemistry!
What is one piece of advice you would give current Anselmians?
Do not be afraid to go see your professors! We want to see you succeed not only in our courses but throughout your entire time here at Saint Anselm! (I would not be where I am today without the support of my Saint Anselm professors, many of whom are now my colleagues.
What is your position/office on campus?
I am the Assistant Vice President of Alumni Relations and Engagement, which falls under College Advancement
How does this tradition represent Anselmian community to you?
I often think of how steeped in tradition Saint Anselm is… I come from a long family of graduates, my mom and dad, sister, brother, a few cousins, and more. These banners have stood the test of time, and connect the generations of my family, and generations of alumni to this beautiful Hilltop.
What else is meaningful to you about having the banner in your office? Having the banner in my office is a great conversation piece, for students, alumni and non-alumni. I wish it didn’t make me feel so old, but I love being an alumnus and am happy I get to display it in my office.
What is one piece of advice you would give current Anselmians?
As the great philosopher Ted Lasso taught us, kindness is powerful – no one ever regrets being kind to one another and I truly believe that the kindness of the Anselmian Community it what makes it so special.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with the Crier? – Go Hawks!