Fever Dogs recently released their debut single, Treading Water, which is available on all music platforms. The song began with a guitar lick that formed its foundation. Each band member contributed ideas to shape the song’s structure, with the lyrics being the final element to come together. Chris Carville, who wrote the lyrics, shared that “it was easier to write them to accompany the music rather than creating music around pre-written lyrics.”
Gabriel Wescott explained what the song means to the band: “If you look at the lyrics, the song is about a love that has since gone unrequited. One’s love is still there, but the other’s has since faded. The lyrics serve as one side trying to keep the flame from dying out as he comes to no avail. Since Chris is a lifeguard, we suggested that he use metaphors of the ocean to help convey our point. Hence the title, “Treading Water”. In my opinion, I can see another meaning to the song; it’s a metaphor for the band learning to swim in the music world. This is our first song, and to test the waters with a song like this is perfect for what we do.”
Treading Water is the band’s first officially released song, though they have another original song called, Jenny Rose, which has been performed live. While Jenny Rose has not yet been released officially, the band has plans to release it on streaming platforms alongside their other music.
The group likes performing live and writing creative songs. All four of them had a great performance at their most recent gig, which some fans called their greatest to date. They stated that they wanted to keep composing and playing music, striking a balance between the creativity of composing music and the energy of live performances.
The band outlined plans to expand their reach and share their music with a broader audience. This includes continuing to perform, releasing additional songs, and exploring opportunities for future projects. Their focus remains on developing their potential and bringing their creative ideas to listeners.