The Saint Anselm College Choir’s Spring concert this year will be held on Saturday March 29th. The concert will include pieces from visiting choirs, organ solos, and a string trio. There are multiple larger pieces the choir will be singing some of these include “Hear my Prayer,” Ave Maria, We will Rejoice in Thy Salvation, and Lord of Life & King of Glory/Dulcis Christe. The repertoire for the spring concert is based around the theme of the concert which is “Hear Our Prayer, O Lord.” Dr. Eric Bermani, choral director of the Saint Joseph Cathedral Choir and Saint Anselm College Choir says that “the repertoire is united by a common thread.” “Holy Scripture consistently reveals God’s care for all people through His creation, covenants, laws, prophetic messages, certainly the life and ministry of Jesus, the mission of the Church, and the promise of eternal life.” “That care is rooted in Christ’s sovereignty and covenant relations with His people.” “As such, the pieces are interconnected and, together, make up a larger whole. They are either 1) intercessory-based meaning that the text is focused on petitioning God directly for help, namely mercy, understanding, and clemency or, 2) focused on God’s abundant love and compassion. We are highlighting this beautiful relationship between God and humankind.” “Especially now, we need to be reminded that Christ, the Father of Compassion, is always there to comfort and console us in times of trouble and need.”
One of the pieces that will be sung at the concert is Felix Mendelssohn’s cantatas, “Hear my Prayer,” which is written for soprano solo, chorus, and organ or orchestra. It was written in 1844, the first performance of it took place in Crosby Hall, London. Some of the text from the cantata: “Hear my prayer, O God, incline Thine ear! Thyself from my petition do not hide. Take heed to me! Hear how in prayer I mourn Thee, without Thee all is dark, I have no guide. Fearfulness upon me fall, with horror overwhelmed, Lord hear me call! O for the wings, for the wings of a dove! Far away, far away would I rove, In the wilderness build me a nest, and remain there forever at rest,” all taken from Psalm 55, this text truly evokes the people’s cry to God for his mercy and love. The text was originally written in German for this piece but has since been adapted into English and performed throughout the world. This piece captures the composer’s gift for crafting expressive and emotional resonant choral music. Sacred music was of major significance throughout Felix Mendelssohn’s career as a composer, beginning with sacred choral songs performed at the Berlin Singakademie in 1821 and concluding with the Three Motets, op. 69, completed in the summer of 1847. During his lifetime Felix was undoubtedly a highly acclaimed composer of sacred music and his accomplishments in this genre are extraordinary: two completed oratorios of lasting popularity, over two dozen large sacred works, psalm settings and cantatas, and as many shorter pieces including motets and anthems.
Various circumstances has led the choir in taking a bit of a wider-angle this year, so the concert is going to feature the Saint Anselm College Choir as well as the Cathedral of St. Joseph Parish Choir, the Diocesan Festival Choir, the Ste. Marie parish choir, Goffstown High School Choir, and St. Matthew Episcopal Church Choir–all renowned choirs throughout New Hampshire. Each choir will be performing works on their own and will be singing several pieces together. The choir will largely be accompanied by organ but we also have strings — violins and cello — coming in. Our accompanist and organist will be Scott Bergendahl. Dr. Bermani will conduct the choral ensembles he is responsible for and the guest choirs will have their own respective conductors–Rob St. Cyr(director of music at St. Marie Parish and Joshua Desrochers(director of the Goffstown high school choir) lead them in the pieces they are singing by themselves. The musical texture is diverse and will include music from multiple composers Mendelssohn, Croft, Fey, Grancini, Biebl, and many more. If you have a chance, come support the Saint Anselm Choir along with visiting choirs on March 29th at 7:30pm in the Abbey Church!