The college is going through many changes, one of which being a brand-new nursing building, the other being a major curriculum change and overhaul. But, there is one that is not getting enough attention– the addition of the new track and field facility the college announced now over a year ago. During my time as Sports Editor, I made it a point to cover the brand-new track team on campus; in doing so, I was fortunate to have a few conversations with the coaching staff. During one of these conversations, I asked when the college was looking to start construction. The answer to that was around late spring or early summer of this year. This news was exciting to hear, knowing I would return to have an interesting story for the Sports Editor to cover. However, upon my return to campus for the semester, nothing had happened. As the EIC, I made it a point to try to get to the bottom of this development. Unfortunately, everywhere we have looked we have been met with a roadblock. So, I am asking for there to be some transparency as to what the situation is with the new facility. Was it delayed? Was it canceled altogether? These are questions myself and I am sure other Anselmians would like to know.