Holiday happenings on the Hilltop

Credit/Julia Krutul

Gingerbread house display after contest in Davison Hall

Caroline Moran, Crier Staff

Season’s greetings, hawks! With a semester almost in the books, the spirit of the holidays looms in the air at Saint A’s. Whether you’re a freshman or returning for another year here, all can look forward to Saint Anselm traditions to ring in the holidays. 

Campus ministry puts an immense effort in providing activities for students to participate in, one of them being a holiday door decorating contest! Tap into your creative side, as “many dorms will get involved in that,” Father Jerome said. The dorms play a big role in this Christmas season, as Father Jerome told us, “there’s also a Christmas basket effort on behalf of the campus ministry as well as Thanksgiving.” Get together with your friends and decorate and get those baskets together! Baskets are a tradition in true Anselmian fashion.

 A Christmas concert is one for everyone to enjoy, and all should expect to enjoy it again this year. Brought by the Saint Anselm Choir, Father Jerome tells the Crier, “They do a beautiful job and is usually quite crowded so if people want to go they need to plan to get there fairly early.” Get together with friends to enjoy the beautiful portrayal of the holidays through music. Support the choir and watch their performance, but don’t forget to get there early! It’s something to not miss out on! 

Now “deck the halls” is taken quite literally here on the Hilltop. Once December rolls around, “The Davison Hall is festooned with greenery and other things,” Father Jerome shared, and it is a long-lived tradition the school will continue to encounter. Davison’s Christmas tree and varying decorations are a popular sight, as senior Tyler Cullen said, “Being in Davison with the Christmas tree is just more fun.” Breakfast in the dining hall will get a little more scenic when December rolls around. 

Davison won’t be the only place decked out this holiday season. As we have seen this past Halloween, C-Shop’s own Terry Newcomb will without a doubt be going all out with the Christmas decorations at the Coffee Shop. When asked if she intended to decorate, she responded with an overwhelming, “Of course! Decorating the hall is my favorite part!” Just another way to get into the holiday spirit! 

A Christmas classic is making its way back to Saint Anselm, and that would be the gingerbread house contest. “It is something students love to get involved with and there are winners with prizes,” Father Jerome explained. 

“It’s a great bonding experience and people speak very highly of it,” senior Luke Moran said. “It’s fun to see them on display after the contest, people get really creative with them.” A tradition like this takes place in Davison Hall, and teams get together to make their most creative gingerbread house. Once the contest is over and winners are picked, all gingerbread houses will be displayed for everyone to see, so get some teams together and get creative with it! The contest will occur on November 28th, but be sure to register on November 17th!

 Although dining services have changed at the school, students and faculty will still be enjoying the tradition of the Christmas feast. Happening on November 30th, the feast is a beloved tradition here on campus. Moran shared, “Christmas feast is my favorite of the SAC traditions.” A beautiful feast of great food and spirit is provided to the school, and Moran said, “It really embodies the Anselmian Christmas spirit.”

 Senior Julia Krutul explains that “It was very disappointing to not have Christmas feast during Covid, it’s the most Anselmian tradition.” The Anselmian tradition is alive and well at the feast, as students and faculty gather together and share the spirit of the holidays altogether. 

“It’s quite a feast,” said Father Jerome, and “you should look forward to going. 

Want to know what will be there to feast on? Moran told us, “they have a really great dessert table with tons of fun pastries to enjoy.” Something for everyone! 

Regardless of grade level, new students and returning students can enjoy gathering together in the Christmas spirit with this treasured tradition. Enjoy these traditions as the holidays make their way towards Saint A’s. Though the stress of the semester may be overwhelming, let the spirit that the holidays bring allow enjoyment of this time of year!