It would be in the school’s best interest to add more outdoor seating options, so that students can get fresh air while being able to do their work. There are plenty of good places around campus that are perfect for picnic tables. Specifically, outside of C-shop there is outdoor eating on their patio, but there could also be tables placed around near the cherry trees as well. The area would be a perfect place for a small, quiet place to study when the weather is nice. Another potential location is near the dorms. For example, we could place picnic tables outside Baroody Hall under the trees; that way, students have a shady place to sit and enjoy the nature surrounding them. We could also place tables around the Student Center, which could mean potential outdoor activities space inside. Moreover, picnic tables could jumpstart a revived outdoor campus.
Another idea for more outdoor seating is to build canopies around the campus. They could be good ways to incorporate more vegetation while also serving as shaded areas for people to rest under. To fit with the theme of Alumni’s Ivy plants, these canopies could be covered in ivy, which would serve in the spring and the early autumn as a natural shade of leaves and vines.
Outdoor seating encourages open interaction between students and can also act as locations for outdoor class activities. The occasional Conversatio class on Alumni steps could become a much more common sight.
Now, one could ask, “Why do we need more outdoor seating?” To that, I answer them with, “Why not?” Sure, there is currently outdoor seating, but the school could have even more options. Along with more options, it also makes walking around campus much nicer, especially for prospective students. It gives those touring the school a good feeling that the school cares about the community that they build, and it would encourage current students to continue to build that community together.
In short, our school needs more outdoor seating. Whether that be new tables or sitting areas or amphitheaters or beach chairs; more is good. More seating will help the school in the long run and will encourage students to experience the outdoors. The more we sit inside our buildings, the more disconnected we become from the outside campus around us. More outdoor seating means more time outdoors. More outdoor seating means a better St. Anselm College.