Question on the Quad: favorite rom com?

Mariana Stauble, Crier Staff

Catharine Roberge ’24

“Although I am a die hard horror fan, I have seen a few goodrom-coms! One that comes to mind is “The Perks of Being a Wallflower.” The characters seem genuine and the story is all about finding yourself and leaning on others. Love can be awkward and tough sometimes, and this movie realistically depicts that!”


Isabelle Brady ’26



“My favorite rom-coms are Fifty First Dates and Blended. I love them because of the fun loving energy and the amazing humor. Plus they are both quotable!”




Madeleine Ellis ’26

“My favorite rom-com is 50 first dates. I really enjoy this movie because I love the humor displayed throughout it which makes the movie light to watch, but also as the plot deepens it draws you in. My favorite thing about the movie though is the persistence Henry shows in not giving up on Lucy despite all the challenges. He constantly is reminding her who she is and who she is to him which I think is beautiful. His love for her and perseverance clearly pays off as you see in the beautiful ending displayed.”


Maya Pontes ’26


“My favorite rom-com is a tie between 10 things I Hate About You and 27 dresses. Kate and Patrick have such a spark and I’m obsessed with the “I hate everyone but I can’t seem to hate you,” trope. I also just love Katherine Heigel and that movie never gets old for me.”


Jennifer Patient ’26


My favorite rom-com, which is arguably not a rom-com, is Pride and Prejudice (2005). The script is incredibly witty, the cinematography is so beautiful, and I love the chemistry between the characters! It’s one of the few movies that keeps me entertained the whole way through. Also, any movie starring Keira Knightly is bound to be enjoyable!”