During Family Weekend even the quietest spots on the Hilltop, such as Geisel Library, are filled with excitement. This year marked the Library’s 33rd Annual Book Sale. The sale opened on Sept. 20th with a student preview and lasted through the end of Family Week end on Sept. 24.
Melinda Malik, the library head of reference, and Nicole Pennell, from circulation, were thrilled at the turnout for the sale. With books, puzzles, games, and audio visual materials (VHS, DVD, and CDs), all being sold for one or two dollars apiece, it’s hard not to attract a diverse crowd of content consumers, averaging “approxi mately 4500-5000 [items sold] annually,” according to Malik and Pennell.
Regarding the history of the annual book sale, Malik and Pen nell stated, “The first book sale took place in 1989 with a single table of books outside the library’s much year to year, you think the prices would rise, but according to Malik, “We keep our prices very low because profit-making isn’t our primary goal. We value the importance of books as gateways to human knowledge and our role is to facilitate that process.”
The sale’s profits are made all the more remarkable by the fact that all the proceeds “go back to the library to purchase additional books and resources for the SAC community,” according to Malik.
While the book sale offered a large selection of literature, history, and theology books, there was something for everyone. Pennell’s favorite part of the book sale is the “unique energy that starts building around the book sale that I look forward to. Students, staff, faculty, and monastic members all get excited to examine the books that are in the sale each year and see if they can find a treasure!
“It is a wonderful experience to see everyone searching through the tables of books and finding books they will enjoy and some times helping their friends and col leagues find books they are looking for as well. The annual book sale is a community event that brings everyone together. I’m glad to be a part of it.” Malik’s favorite part is “seeing the joy on people’s faces when they find a book that they love and can bring home for a very low price.”
Saint Anselm College has a lot to be grateful for in Geisel Library, including all they do for the College community, as highlighted by the excellence of the annual book sale.