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The Saint Anselm Crier

The student news site of Saint Anselm College

The Saint Anselm Crier

Anselmian Always: class banners represent alumni community

The class banners hanging in Davison Hall are one of the most beloved symbols of the well-known Saint Anselm community. The banner is present throughout every graduating class’s four years on the Hilltop, from freshman orientation to senior formal, and continues to represent Anselmian class spirit even after graduation. 

The first person from every graduating class to accept a full-time job at the College after graduation receives their class banner to display in their campus office. In cases where an employee transitions from full-time to part-time employment, the banner is handed off to the second member of their graduating class to take a full-time position at the College. 

The Crier interviewed several of these alumni regarding the personal significance of their class banner, their connection to the Hilltop community, and their advice for current Anselmians. Their answers will be published throughout the next few Crier issues!


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Katelyn Arnold ’23 – Marketing Specialist in the Office of College Communications and Marketing

How does this tradition represent Anselmian community?

This tradition reemphasizes how
special and unique the Anselmian
community is because we start
off our college experience at Saint
A’s with the raising of the banner
dinner in Dave freshman year
and then end our four years with
the senior brunch/sendoff where
we lower our class banner. It is
so incredibly cool and interesting
how this tradition perfectly wraps up the past four years for everyone like a present.

What else is meaningful to you about having the banner in your office?
The banner in my office serves as a constant reminder of how special and transformative the past four years were at Saint A’s and because of that, I work here. In addition, the banner reminds me of always trusting the process during confusing and difficult times because I had never once imagined that I would be where I am today working at this college, but it all worked out. I always remembered talking to my friends about how cool it would be to get the class banner but to actually have it is such a privilege that I don’t take for granted at all.

What is one piece of advice you would give current Anselmians?

My advice to current Anselmians (especially those who are starting to look for jobs after graduation) is to try not to stress about finding a job because everything will work out the way it’s supposed to, so trust the process. If someone were to have told me that I would be working at Saint A’s, I would have laughed in disbelief. When I was job searching, I never even considered working at a college let alone the college I went to but now that I’m here, I wouldn’t trade this job for anything else.


Natalie O’Konis ’22 – Assistant Director of Admission Operations

What is your position/office on campus? Assistant Director of Admission Operations, Office of Admission

In your own words, how does this tradition signify Anselmian community? As a student, I could not believe how quickly my banner moved in Davison. 2022 came quicker than I could have ever imagined, and the thought of graduating and leaving the Saint Anselm community was a scary idea. But that is what is so special about the Saint Anselm College community- you don’t really ever leave it. I love this tradition because it recognizes the importance of your class and the growth you experience as a Saint A’s student. Every time I walk into my office, I have the privilege of seeing my banner, and I am reminded of the incredible relationships and memories I made with my fellow classmates. The tradition of the banner remaining on campus, and in the office of a member of the class it represents, is a wonderful way for members of one’s class to know that the are still part of the hilltop (no matter where they are, or the number of years since they have graduated).

What else is meaningful to you about having the banner in your office? There is something so special about looking at my banner and reflecting on my time as a student. Some of my fondest memories on this campus occurred with the banner present- the Orientation dinner, Christmas feast, the gingerbread building contest, senior champagne toast, and of course, graduation. With the banner hanging up in my office, I am constantly reminded of how amazing this institution is. Especially as I work with prospective students, I will find myself looking at my banner, and remembering just how important this hilltop and the education you receive here is.

What is one piece of advice you would give current Anselmians? I thought I understood this as a student, but through my time working here, I am able to truly recognize how dedicated the Faculty and Staff Members are. The individuals who work on this campus, whether an Alum of Saint A’s or not, believe deeply in the institution and the Anselmian student. So many go above and beyond to make this place the special community that it is. Make sure to take advantage of the connections that you can develop with them, as it will only enhance your time as a Saint Anselm College student!



Hannah Beaudry ’21 – Assistant Director of Programming and Student Engagement at the Center for Ethics in

In your own words, how does this tradition signify Anselmian community?

This tradition makes me feel connected not only to my time as a student, but to the rest of my graduating class and the entire alumni community. It is a reminder that we carry our experiences on the Hilltop with us wherever we go, and we will always have this shared history. 



What else is meaningful to you about having the banner in your office? 

It is a fun conversation starter when people come to my office! I either get to explain the tradition to them or get to talk about how fun it is to have the banner hanging on my wall. And it is a testament to my love for the college – I always tell people that I loved Saint A’s so much as a student that I decided not to leave!

What is one piece of advice you would give current Anselmians?

You might be really busy and always running to your next class, work shift, or meal, but try and remember to savor the little moments and make every effort to connect with your friends, professors, and everyone you meet. The relationships you make will last beyond graduation and will be a source of joy for you!


Fr. Aloysius Sarasin ’17 – Assistant Director of Student Engagement and Leadership

In your own words, how does this tradition signify Anselmian community?

I believe the tradition of class banners in the offices of faculty/staff who work here is a great representation of how several members of the community joined Saint Anselm as students and returned to Saint Anselm as professionals to continue the mission and work of the College. The banners on display serves as a reminder that we are all united as a community whether we are here on campus or long graduated!

What else is meaningful to you about having the banner in your office? 

It is an honor to have the banner on display in my office knowing that it hung in Davison for 4 years. I am a proud member of the Class of 2017, and so to have our banner in my office is a true privilege. It also gives me the opportunity to reconnect with classmates as they return here to the Hilltop to get married and are seeking out the banner to take photos with. I am always happy to share!

What is one piece of advice you would give current Anselmians?

Always keep an open mind in the classroom. Your classes will impact you later on, whether you realize it in the present moment or not!


In your own words, how does this tradition signify Anselmian community?  It’s a lovely tradition, and I wish we had a symbol like this for all Alumni who work at the college. This highlights a couple of important things:  it emphasizes the Benedictine Hallmark of Stability; reminds me and others that we are Always Anselmian, it demonstrates an understanding and love of the history here on the hilltop and of all the possibilities in the future. 

What is one piece of advice you would give current Anselmians?  

Once an Anselmian – Always an Anselmian – no matter what your unique journey is; that every one of our community members has unique gifts and talents to share with our community AND that when shared make us as a whole community better; find what and where you find passion and share it; your time on the hilltop as a student may be limited take advantage of the number of ways you can grow and learn while you are here – and know you are forever a part of this community. 

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