5K race raises $300 to fight breast cancer

Alisha del Llano, Crier Staff

A Breast Cancer Awareness 5K took place on October 18th, in the middle of Breast Cancer Awareness month.

The 5K was planned by senior and Resident Assistant Jennifer Ross, who has been a strong advocate for the cause because of the death of her grandmother from breast cancer.

Ross reached out to both senior Kathleen Procek and junior Abdelaziz Alsharawy (both fellow RAs) for help arranging the event.

Many emails were sent campus wide to offices asking for help and donations, and over the course of three weeks, several departments generously donated goods and services to help out with the event.

Advice on holding the event was given by Student Activities and the Dean of Students Office, Health Services bought T-shirts for the volunteers, Davison graciously donated waters and protein bars for the participants and Residential Life & Education funded the bracelets that were handed out to participants and sold to the public for further fundraising.

Campus Safety and Security and the Rescue Club also contributed their time towards the event.

For advertisement, campus wide emails were sent to encourage the Saint Anselm community to sign up, along with posters placed in the residence halls and throughout campus.

Registration was completed by filling out forms on Google docs.

Ross commented that “The event itself went great,” as with just over 40 participants and roughly 20 volunteers, $300 was raised from registration fees, selling leftover shirts and collecting donations.

Currently, bracelets and pink ribbons are still being sold to raise even more money to be donated to the American Cancer Society.