SGA Corner: Hilltop Hoppin’ Program

Meghan Bartlett, SGA Crier Representative

The Hilltop Hoppin’ incentive program is as easy as 1-2-3: All you have to do is 1.) Attend one of the specified Hilltop Hoppin’ events 2.) Go to the SGA table 3.) Write your name, email address, and year of graduation.

The prizes vary and are well worth the effort, as they include items like iPads and gift cards, like the September prize of a $25 Chipotle gift card.

At the end of each month, the names from all the Hilltop Hoppin’ events are pooled and three names are randomly selected.

The more incentive events you attend in a month, the more times your name is entered into the lottery and the higher your chances are of winning prizes.

“The biggest goal is to increase awareness of events on campus and to increase attendance,” says Christina Maloney, SGA Secretary of Public Relations.

The program was developed last year to encourage school spirit and reward classmates who are active and involved on campus.

Each month, class secretaries meet with SGA officers to pick four or five activities to designate as Hilltop Hoppin’ events.

Usually, the events are selected from some of the main organizations on campus: CAB, NHIOP, Career Services and Athletics.

The Hilltop Hoppin’ events are advertised in a SGA PR email sent out at the beginning of each month and in the weekly Hilltop Happenings emails.

“The program really does increase school spirit at major events,” says Matthew Rocheleau, SGA Senator for the class of 2016.

The prizes vary from month to month and are selected to be appealing to students, like

So, before deleting emails, scan through for the incentive events. If you attend and enter your name, you could be the next lucky winner.