Hawks attend March for Life, annual pro-life rally in D.C.

Nicolette Manzi, Crier Staff

The March for life in Washington, D.C. is a peaceful demonstration that allows people to express their opinion on the pertinent issue of abortion.

The March began in 1973 as a response to the national legalization of abortion by the SUpreme Court with Rowe v. Wade.

This year’s march included a musical performance by Marie Miller, readings of “Silent No More” testimonials outside of the Supreme Court and a chance for protesters to approach their representatives.

Thousands of people now gather every year gather in D.C. in support to overturn abortion, making the annual “March for Life” in DC a big event.

This year the March for Life coincides with a monumental bill that is being pushed by the GOP in the House of Representatives to formally forbid most federal funds for most abortion coverages.

With this new ground breaking news, Saint Anselm gets to be an intricate part of voicing their own opinions in the heart of our nation.

Each year Saint Anselm students go to D.C. to participate in the March and share their own views.

It is an opportunity for Saint Anselm students to really voice their opinion in support of their religion of a very controversial topic.

By participating in this event Saint Anselm students get to participate in real life demonstrations and leave their mark.

Susan Gabert, director of campus ministry, comments what participates of the March for life get to be a part of.

“The March for Life is an annual march for antiabortion in the pro-life movement,” Gabert shared. “The March gives students the opportunity to voice their opinions against abortion.”

Gabert added that “Students arrive at the National Shrine at Catholic University, were we will attend opening mass. Then students have the chance to walk down the main mall and listen to others speak about the issues and concerns of the topic of abortion.”

While participating in a march like this is mainly about politic issues, in many instances other personal issues like religion can be involved; giving students a great opportunity to voice their opinion on the behalf of their religion.

Gabert expresses the goals of Saint Anselm students participating in the march and what they look to achieve through the march.

“The March for Life is a good opportunity to express one’s opinion on a political issue, while taking a stand in political justice of the unborn, the idea of being ‘a voice for the voiceless,’” Gabert shared.

“The March also allows students to engage in putting their faith into action,” Gabert added.

This year was one of the first times a larger group went to the March, allowing for Saint Anselm students to truly be a force in voicing their opinions.

As members of the college, students get to positively represent their school in a pressing and sensitive issue. Getting to participate in such a meaningful demonstration is one of the reasons Gabert views the March as such a great opportunity for students.

“The topic of abortion is a personal and difficult issue that needs students with compassion. As members of the Catholic Church, there is a need to speak about this issue with a compassionate voice and loving ear,” said Gabert.

The March for life represents the perfect opportunity to express one’s opinion in a peaceful yet passionate way.

It allows students to be a conscientious member of society while defending one’s own beliefs for themselves and their community here at Saint Anselm.

As the March for Life was a clear success this year, the hopes for next year is for even more students who are willingly to join in.