New Marketing major available

Meaghan Wilson, Crier Staff

Saint Anselm College welcomes the new Marketing major to campus this year. This major is geared towards preparing students for careers including advertising, sales, market research, and business marketing. Marketing majors will master how to advertise both products and services to any clientele. Students and faculty alike are excited for this addition to the Business Program at Saint A’s.

Professor Srikont Vadali, an educator in the Department of Economics and Business gave some insight as to how this major emerged. In 2015, Administration proposed the program and asked the Business department to put it together. It was decided that the college needed this major because of the demand from current students and the appeal it gives to potential students. With this addition, the school and Business program would have the potential to grow. The Business department surveyed students to see how high the demand was and, sure enough, there was plenty of interest. The department then worked on the preliminary design in the fall and sent it in for curriculum review in the spring. The design passed, making this the first academic year a Marketing major will be available at Saint A’s.

According to Vadali, the department is currently in the interview process for two new Marketing professors. There are six candidates, two of which have already been interviewed. Those who are hired will begin in the fall of 2017. Until then, Vadali and Professor Duncan LaBay will be teaching the marketing courses. Marketing majors are suggested to take Principles of Marketing, which is being offered in the spring. This course is a gateway to the major and allows students to explore what marketing can offer to them in their future career.

Although no students have taken specific Marketing classes at Saint A’s yet, multiple students have expressed why they decided to make Marketing their major. Their answers include that this major combines the Business major with creativity and is not strictly behind the scenes numerical work. They also claim that it is not cut and dry, and therefore requires creativity and imagination. Students in the program explain that the Marketing degree will give them enough diversified knowledge in the field of marketing so that they can immediately assist a business when they graduate. With this degree, they will come out of school with the ability to sell businesses and products alike to a wide set of clientele.

The Business Forum on Oct. 5 at 12:30pm in Joseph Hall will give Saint A’s students insight on all things business, such as accounting, finance, and this new field of marketing. Career opportunities and courses will be discussed. The department encourages all students to consider Marketing because of its practicality and benefit in the business world.