Celebratory senior days begin for Class of 2022



The senior class recently enjoyed their Casino Night, the first of a series of special events for the class of 2022

Grace Bolinksy, Crier Staff

On top of an exciting beginning of the year, the senior class of 2022 is getting ready to celebrate their final year on the hilltop with fun and celebratory events. One of the first of these events, Casino Night, was held on November 12th in the Jean Student Center. Later in the year, there will be two more events, followed up by smaller events that will celebrate the seniors and their journey to graduation. The student council of the class of 2022, led by President Sean Bentley and Vice President Natalie O’Konis, has worked very hard and very quickly this year to get these plans underway, making sure to take in every senior’s opinion and desire for how they want to be celebrated. Along with the student council, these decisions were also considered by the Senior Leadership Team, who created the structure of senior days.

These celebratory events have been decided on and chosen by the class with a survey going out at the beginning of the year giving seniors a preference on what their ideal activities would be. They were given a variety of options to choose from, but the three major events chosen to celebrate the senior class this year will include Casino Night which was on Friday, November 12, 2021, followed by a Senior Formal in Davison Hall in April, and a boat cruise in May that will overlook the Boston Harbor. 

One anonymous senior said that he “felt like [his] opinion was heard” regarding the decision of what events to hold for the senior class and that he “was excited to celebrate his time on the hilltop with these senior events.” After a strange four years, the seniors will explicitly be celebrated and congratulated for their hard work and perseverance through the years of their studies.

The class of 2022 student council says “[they] are very thankful that conditions have improved and that we can host all these great events.” However, Covid has created some long-lasting problems for creating plans and hosting events. The student council says “there are still supply shortages that currently make it more difficult to get the needed supplies for certain events” but to fight this problem “[they] plan these events months in advance so it is not as large of an issue.” Supply shortages have been a problem all around the country this year and Saint Anselm students are experiencing it regarding planning events.

Last year, the class of 2021 had to neglect their events due to the pandemic, even going without a formal, which has been a rite of passage in past years for seniors. Thankfully, Covid has become less of an issue in planning formals, activities, and other celebratory events, so the plans this year are already underway. The seniors are preparing for the second half of the semester now, with Thanksgiving break arriving quickly, shortly followed up with finals and winter break. These events will be an exciting change of pace from years of facing the pandemic and will celebrate the past four years of being on the hilltop and get the senior class together a couple more times before they leave for their futures.