Low gas prices, yet fewer students going places

Maude Pritchett, Crier Staff

I was taking my usual walk the other day and I saw something that I just couldn’t believe- there was a sign at the gas station flashing the price of gas as below $2.00 per gallon! I thought surely this must have been a mistake, everything these days is computer generated and so there is certainly a chance that the sign may not be trustworthy. I walked into the store to inform the store keeper that they were advertising inaccurate information and that their computer had deceived them.

The woman behind the counter laughed an amused chuckle of a laugh and said, “No ma’am, that price is accurate.” Well, I just had to pick my jaw up off the floor when I heard that. This is extraordinary!

You see, I have been through it all with the gas prices. I was around before the automobile was invented and before gasoline was an everyday necessity. I was around when only the richest people could own cars and gas was pennies per gallon, I was around to see more and more people get automobiles, and more and more roads being made. It has really been something to experience, but when those prices started to climb I wondered if it would be the end of driving as I had come to know it.

Current Saint Anselm students were greatly impacted by that drastic increase. They had just begun to drive, but it was no longer economical to do so. I thought for sure that more bicycles and public transportation would be what the public turned to, but that didn’t seem to be the case. Everyone just whined and complained about the prices instead of choosing an alternative that is slightly less convenient.

Well, too each their own. These lower prices will mean wonderful things for the students here. The commuters can save money, the other students will have more booze money, and the nursing students will have one less thing to grumble over. I myself would never want to be a nursing major, but if it is as horrible as they all make it sound why do any of them do it? No other major likes to gripe and make a fuss quite like the nurses. But now thankfully for the rest of the campus they have one less thing, they can all go do their clinical hours without making their debit cards burn and smoke.

However, for the poor commuters of the campus this price decrease could not have come at a worse time. Woohoo! you now can afford to drive back to campus for the parties on the weekends, the sporting events and the wonderful programs put on by CAB. Too bad we live in New England and the roads are going to be too formidable to go anywhere. Isn’t that just the way with this generation?

You all were brought into the world just in time for there to be more than a decade of continual terrorism, it is now too expensive for you to drive and take rebellious road trips, and college has reached an alarming peak in tuition. There is just no easy way. But from what I have learned, that is life. Nothing ever falls exactly into place. There will always be obstacles, even if they are as simple and debilitating as untimely gas prices.