Saint Anselm College must stand up as a pro-life institution
Members of Saint Anselm’s own Hawks for Life attended the 2021 NH Right to Life Dinner last October
February 11, 2022
This past January, 34 students from Saint Anselm College were set to participate and travel to the 2022 March for Life in Washington D.C.. The trip was unfortunately canceled for our college community as a result of the Omicron COVID variant. Although we were unable to represent Saint Anselm College at the March for Life among the 150,000 other marchers who stood for life in Washington, we must strive to defend life here on-campus as well. Maintaining a pro-life ethos on-campus is an essential part of our identity as a Catholic, Benedictine institution and must impact our college community beyond the March for Life. So what does it mean to be a pro-life campus?
The cornerstone of the pro-life movement is the intrinsic dignity and worth of every human person, from the moment of conception to natural death. Catholics believe that this dignity and worth is endowed by God and that it cannot be taken away. Abortion is of course the most important pro-life issue because it is the direct killing of an infant in the womb. However, being pro-life is not just standing against abortion. Being pro-life is about helping mothers who experience unwanted pregnancies. It is about supporting adoption agencies and schools in lower income communities. It is about giving food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, aid to the sick, clothing to the naked, hospitality to the immigrant, and love to the prisoner. It is about tearing down walls of hatred (racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia) and building bridges to learn about others and their journeys. It is about defending life, even to its last moments in a hospital bed. Our work as a pro-life campus must extend to every aspect of what it means to be alive and loved.
Saint Anselm College has done amazing work through Campus Ministry, the Intercultural Center, the Meelia Center, the ARC, Hawks for Life, and other departments and organizations around campus. However, our work is not complete. It is just the beginning of a long journey of walking with members of our local communities and defending the sanctity of life at all stages.
For all who are pro-life at Saint Anselm, this message is for you. Do not be afraid to share your point of view around campus; stand up for life and defend it. If you are studying politics, great, because we certainly need more pro-life politicians. If you want to get a doctorate, great, because we need more great thinkers in the pro-life movement too. If you are studying nursing, awesome, because we need more pro-life thought in the medical field. Think, write, create, learn, and defend life in all its stages, and I can promise you that our world will change for the better.
Finally, I believe that every one of us is pro-life in some way, even if you are pro-choice. Thoughts about abortion will change over time, but very few will change their mind simply from arguments. The best way we can share being pro-life is by our actions, by serving others and loving all of God’s children. The abortion debate will continue for a long time. However, we can continue supporting mothers and victims of sexual violence, educating our community, and showing the immense importance of being pro-life. May God bless all of you and inspire our college community to keep serving, loving, and defending life at all stages.