Two first-year students represent St A’s at Boston Marathon

Colin Gibbons ‘26 (R) after marathon. (Courtesy / Collin Gibbons)

Jordan Tavares, Sports Editor

The Boston Marathon is the most prestigious race there is. People from all walks of life register from all over the globe. This is no different for the Hilltop. In this year’s running, there were five Anselmian Alumni that made the famous trek through Boston. 

Along with the 5 alumni, there were also 2 current students that ran this year. Colin Gibbons ‘26 and Ava Sweeny ‘26 represented the College while also supporting various causes.

 Colin ran for Miles for Miracles, an organization that raises basic funds to assist Boston Children’s Hospital. He also sponsored a little league team from his hometown. 

As for Sweeny, she ran for Cops for Kids with Cancer and raised $2500 for the cause. The marathon holds a special place for her as well.

When asked what brought her to running the race, she said, “I go to the Marathon every year with my family and since I was a little girl, I have always wanted to run it. This was the first year I was eligible because I am 18.” 

In terms of run times, Gibbons ran the Marathon in five hours and twenty minutes while Sweeny ran it in five hours. Colin jokingly said that the marathon was “easy” and that “he didn’t really need to train for it”. 

When asked about the experience, both were very complimentary of the positive experience they both had. Sweeny went on, saying, “It was really fulfilling! I can’t wait to do it next year. All my friends and family were there throughout the route. My best friends were at the finish line with my parents and sister too.” 

Sweeny also recognized the raw emotions of this year’s marathon being the 10th anniversary of the tragic bombing that left 3 dead and 280 wounded. She said, “It was really special because it was the tenth anniversary of the bombings and you could really feel the city come together.” This was a feeling that could really be felt throughout the city. 

From the Red Sox, to the Bruins, to the local businesses, there was a real sense of unity and connection between everyone. The Boston Marathon holds a special place to most if not all Bostonians and New Englanders everywhere. 

While this year’s Boston Marathon showcased local heroes and great causes, it also showcased seven amazing Anselmians from all walks of life. 

From alumni to current students, Anselmian representation was as strong as ever. This year even shed light on the idea that Anselmians will represent the Hilltop in this race with more regularity. As a community we all should take the time to congratulate these runners and thank them for the causes they ran for. 

The Saint Anselm community has shown once again that Hawks do in fact soar higher.

Ava Sweeney ‘26 as she gets her medal for finishing the Boston Marathon. (Courtesy / Ava Sweeny)