Board of Trustees discusses offering advanced degrees at Saint A’s


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Saint Anselm students of the Class of 2016 celebrate during their commencement ceremony.

Alexandros Pandazis, Crier Staff

This past week the Saint Anselm College Board of Trustees met to discuss various topics of interest ranging from financial matters to athletic and academic subjects. The highlight of the meeting was a discussion on the offering of advanced degrees by the college.

President Steven R. DiSalvo told The Crier that the discussion on advanced degrees stemmed from a group of teachers that had recently brought the topic of graduate degrees to the administration. Although the college is still in the early stages of fleshing out the idea, the discussion was centered on the concept of 4+1 programs, namely fields of study that required only one year out of college to fulfill a master’s degree. Jobs in the field of education and accounting require such a degree for employment. The goal is that former students would be able to fulfill that additional year of education at Saint Anselm College rather than at another school.

When asked what the financial and/or logistical implications of such an educational expansion would be, DiSalvo stated that the idea was still in the very early stages of discussion and that it is “at least a year out” from actual concrete planning. He explained, “The Board of Trustees’ responsibilities are primarily fiduciary however such an idea would eventually need to be approved by the board. The administration thought it would be best to gain the board’s blessing before pursuing the idea.” President DiSalvo stated that the board was interested in hearing more and that further research on the topic would begin.

Regarding finance, the board’s discussion was primarily focused on preliminary budgets as well as funding for the construction of the new student center.

DiSalvo explained that the groundbreaking of the site was “an exciting moment” for the board as was the announcement of the gift that would serve as the main source of funding for construction. He also stated that fundraising for construction is on track thus far and that numbers would go public this spring.

Currently, the board is pursuing using the money fundraised thus far to buy bonds which would allow construction to commence while the remaining funds are still being brought in. The board was pleased to note that the start and end of construction is so far on schedule as well. In addition, the board was informed of a successful and clean audit of the college’s financial accounts.

Another topic of discussion was the status of the school’s athletic programs. Following the college’s recent attempts to relocate from Division II to Division III, Athletic Director Daron Montgomery informed the board that, for the foreseeable future, the school would remain in the Northeast-10 Conference.

Finally, the board discussed the streamlining of the various committees within the Board of Trustees. Members deliberated condensing committees such as the finance, audit, and investment committees which hold responsibilities in similar areas.

Other than these specific points of interest, DiSalvo stated that the Board of Trustees covered their regular responsibilities and that the meeting went well.